Before I tell you all about where and when she's going, let me tell you a little bit about the most important girl in the world and how she came into our lives.
In the summer of 1997, I was swimming in the state swim meet at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas. I was 27 years old and had qualified in my age group for both the freestyle and backstroke events. When I woke up that morning, I felt really dizzy and tired and nearly dropped out of the race. But I decided not to quit and just do my best.
After I swam the backstroke, I fainted in my husband's arms (some have told me it was like a movie as he ran and caught me just in time and carried me to the medical tent). I discovered through this that I was pregnant. It was one of the happiest moments of my life.
That baby has grown into a precious 17-year-old lady. She is a strong, kind, compassionate young woman who thinks for herself. Morgan Michelle Crews is unique! Her opinions and her sense of style are fabulous. I may sound a little prejudice, but I think she's amazing. Those sparkling blue eyes that I first had the privilege of seeing on April 8, 1998 still pierce my heart.
Morgan has endured quite a lot of difficulty in her short life, but she always moves forward. When she gets knocked down, I have watched her time after time as she gets herself back up and presses on. Her determination and "can do" attitude help get her through life. I witnessed her run her first half marathon at the age of 11 and the next year I got to run one with her and see her push herself on those last two miles when she was feeling extreme pain. She takes that same spirit with her throughout life.
When tears flood those beautiful blue eyes, it crushes me. I wish I could take every ounce of pain and put it on myself so she doesn't have to feel it. I'm a momma and that's just how it is. And let me tell you, when she laughs, it brightens my heart. When I see her artwork or read her writings or listen to her play guitar, it fills me with incredible joy.
Discovering my pregnancy on the heels of a swim meet at Texas Tech 18 years ago was pretty cool. I haven't been there since then. But I'm about to head back in a few weeks because wouldn't you know... Morgan is going to attend school there!
Now, this part is difficult for me. She is a senior and we expected that she would be graduating in May of 2016, but she made the decision to finish school early. So, instead of many more months of having her around Casa Crews, we only have til January! This is very hard. I didn't get a full senior year to get ready for the goodbyes.
But, I know she's made the right decision and I have a strong feeling that she is going to do very well. Next month we are meeting with her recruiter and taking a tour of the campus, including the marketing department and fashion apparel department (she's going to be studying fashion marketing).
Meanwhile, I'm soaking in every ounce of her being here. There are easy days and there are tough days. Preparing for college is pretty intense for the entire family. As we get closer and closer to her departure, I'm feeling the emptiness. I will miss my sweet daughter greatly. And I will always be grateful for the time I got to have her in my home. The next phase will be different, but good. I just know it.
My artsy, beautiful girl :) |
Her graduation gift from her daddy- a Jeep!!! |