Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Playing "PIPER"

It gets so darn hot where we live that it literally feels like a sauna. Southeast Texas has some pretty amazing winters, but the summers are like taking a trip through Hell! And the summers last about nine months.

So, thankfully we have a nice pool in our back yard. We keep the citronella torches lit around the pool and deck and we get to enjoy being outdoors year-round. It's especially nice when friends and family come over and we can grill great foods, drink margaritas, and play super fun pool games.

Our favorite is a game we call PIPER. Our dog's name is Piper so this game is named in her honor. It's like HORSE, but you spell out PIPER instead. After we play the first game, we usually try to come up with other words to spell. We use our own names. We use big words or little words. Even 
Spanish words. Someday I would like to try a game of ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM. So far, no one will play that one with me.

The family that plays together...

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